An EQ2 bloggage

The Warg Whisperer…

Posted by revenants on October 23, 2007

Warg Whisperer

Morriana an Killzum, The Cheese Factor

Quite a lot has happened since I last posted a few days ago. Morriana is now only 18% off 60, which I am getting really excited about.  The reason? Well, at 60 she will be able to pick up the ‘Sentry’ writs. Most probably know about this, but for those who don’t have a clue what I am talking about, here’s the low down.  At level 60 the city writ givers finally give out a set of 4 writs that can be completed by killing just one type of mob, Scaleborn Sentries in T.T.  This means a very quick turn around in getting the writs completed and a way to gain a huge amount of personal and guild status in a short amount of time. Revenants needs the status boost badly.  With the Guild sitting at level 22 for some time now I plan on doing the ‘Sentry Writs’ for some considerable time in a bid to get to Guild Level 30.  OK so it is going to monotonous but it will definitely be worth it in the long run.  The only problem is that the writs stop getting handed out at level 65, so I think I will do them until I get to around 62 and a half then will probably turn off my adventure exp.  It’s going to be a lot of hard work, but well worth it.  The only problem is that in the midst of all that Morriana needs to complete her Ivy Shrouded quest-line, as the quest giver in Lesser Fay won’t talk to her until she is 60th.  I may have to turn off exp whilst doing the quest, but of course it won’t stop me getting quest reward exp.  If it looks like giving me too much then I may have to put the quests off until after level 65.

Other things..hmm. Well as you can see from the picture at the top Morriana now has her very own puppy. Cute isn’t it?  When it came to deciding what colour / pattern type to buy there was of course no alternative but to get exactly what Killzum has got.  Just when you thought their image couldn’t get any cheesier (making up words now? – Ed).  In truth it is a bit of a Godsend really as Morriana was getting fed up floating around on her carpet like some Shahir from Maj’Dul. I mean come one…how’s a bit of carpeting supposed to support the weight of full plate armour!

Daltieri and Morriana got themselves on a Courts Raid at the weekend courtesy of my good friend Hadyn who was running things.  It was my first time there and I have to say I really enjoyed it.  Which is weird considering my recent fatigue with raiding.  I think what tipped the scales was the constant tells from Daltieri who was quite clearly inebriated and kept me entertained all night. I think the funniest was when a quite obviously young kid who was playing a Necro asked what an I.S.P was over ventrillo.  Daltieri had been quiet for some time until I received just three words from him in a tell “Intercontinetal Striking Penis”.  Yes I know it’s purile and childish but hey, I really couldn’t stop laughing. Things went downhill for us both from then on with countless tells with different meanings for ISP heading back and forth.  Several deaths in my group however brought me back from the brink of insanity and I had to start concentrating again.  Whilst I am on a ‘raid’ theme, I am supposed to be raiding MMiS tonight with Shahlai who is in The Elven Blades.  The guild leader specifically asked if I could go as they needed an assassin.  To be honest I am quite looking forward to it. I think my break from raiding is just what I needed to get rid of a bit of that ‘raid fatigue’ I have been experiencing. I’ll let you know how it goes.  It is just a shame Shahlai hasn’t quite finished her SoD questline..I really would like the Soulfire Sabre from Mayong.  It will come soon enough though.

To finish off I had probably the nicest surprise I have had in game for a long long time last night.  My wife was messing about in EFP doing whatever it is she does (I never ask!) when she shouts across to me slumped on the couch..”Malodius is on!”.  I was pretty excited. Malodius is a very good American friend of ours from across the pond but due to RL stresses hadn’t been able to log on for quite a few months. To say we both have missed him is an understatement. Sure we have occasionally spoken to him on the phone, but nothing quite competes with that ‘messing about with me buddies’ in EQ2 feel.  It was really really grand to see him again and we spent some time with him trying to catch him up to speed with what has been happening in game, such as the dressing room feature and appearance slots.  OMG I have just realised…I never mentioned anything about Legends of Norrath to him.  Anyhow, we are planning to do a whole days adventuring together soon and quite honestly I can’t wait.  We always seem to have a complete riot when Mally is about!

Mally, simply superb to have you back buddy.  I understand you still won’t be able to get on much…but I’ve had my Mally will keep me going for a while!

Malodius and Shahlai

Shahlai and Malodius, Freeport Guildhouse.


2 Responses to “The Warg Whisperer…”

  1. tipa said

    I love the rooftop rock garden in your guild house…!

  2. revenants said

    Thanks Tipa! Very much appreciated. I have a bit of an obsession with EQ2 gardening and water features, LOL.

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